September 25, 2018

Emma’s Senior Portrait Session in Soniota

While I am not a Tucson Senior Photographer and weddings and couples are my passion, when your niece asks you to take her senior portraits, you have to say yes! Emma has been my muse and assistant since she was 14, but our adventures started much earlier. Ever since I joined the Russell family, Emma and I have taken to having little dates. We share a love for treats and long chats about anything and everything. Emma’s senior session included all of our favorite things to mark this milestone.

We started with a mini makeover and shopping at Sephora. If you know me at all, you know I can’t put on mascara without stabbing myself in the eye, but luckily Emma is much more accomplished and knew just what to buy! We grabbed some Bobba Tea from the Bobba Tea Co and set out for the rolling hills of Sonoita. I had wanted to show Emma the cottonwoods that lined the creekbeds of Cienega Creek, but most had burned in the wildfires we had a few years ago. Instead, we made use of the surrounding grasslands and historic ranch site that was nearby.

As we drove into Sonoita, Emma had commented that the hills reminded her of a scene in a movie. It was beautiful! We stopped to watch the sunset behind them when we left. The sky had such a magical glow that we ended up taking more photos. They ended up being my favorites from the whole session. We decided the scene reminded us of a Jane Austin novel and Emma began quoting Pride and Prejudice while twirling in the grass. I was reminded of the precocious little girl I met waaaaay back when I married her Uncle Jon.

What a joy to watch you grow up Emma. From putting up with my relentless teasing to rising at the crack of dawn to assist me on photo shoots, and so much more, I always treasure my time with you. Your talents have earned you a spot on a college basketball team, and while I am sad to see you move away, I am happy knowing a short drive to Phoenix will allow us to continue our joint adventures. I can’t wait to see how God uses and you and grows you in the coming years. Uncle Jon and I are so proud of the beautiful, intelligent, courageous woman you have become. I love you Emmy Lou!


Aunt Amber

Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea PhotographyTucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea PhotographyTucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography Tucson Senior Session in Sonoita with Amber Lea Photography

  1. Cindy says:

    Beautiful pictures of a lovely young lady.

  2. Lori Jorg says:

    WOW!! Beautiful girl…beautiful photography. Nice job, Amber! Congrats, Em 😍

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